
Calibro 35 play Morricone @ Union Chapel London

A/V Installation

Nuove storie, paesaggi che emergono. 

Inseguiamo le emozioni dei film come in un sogno, fotogramma per fotogramma combinando tecniche di animazione tradizionale con elementi pittorici e grafici. Il risultato è un’opera che si manifesta sgranata, fuori fuoco, talvolta inafferrabile, caratterizzata da una profonda sensibilità artistica e un’ampia esplorazione delle emozioni umane.

La potenza visionaria delle immagini in movimento ci dona nuove storie e paesaggi, fondendosi con le atmosfere dei film per creare un’estetica onirica.

Un ringraziamento speciale ad Andrea Lai, i Calibro 35, l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Londra e al London Roots Festival.

Union Chapel London

The London Roots Festival will host an audiovisual concert dedicated to the music of Ennio Morricone, a unique event born from the collaboration between Calibro 35 and the video artists at Studio Clichè, and the Italian Cultural Insitute.

In an era where the boundaries between the arts merge and blur, the Ennio Morricone Audiovisual Concert offers an unprecedented exploration of Ennio Morricone’s artistry, drawing inspiration from Abel Gance’s vision of cinema as a means to “listen through the eyes.”

This ambitious and novel journey pairs some of the most famous film scores by the celebrated Roman composer with images from the films they were composed for, creating a true symphonic and visual dialogue. It is an artistically valuable moment that the Italian Cultural Institute is pleased to produce in its path of innovation tightly linked with the preservation of memory.

The Scacco al Maestro project recognizes the musical genius of Morricone as well as Calibro 35’s impact in reinterpreting his work in a modern context. A vibrant tribute to Ennio Morricone that continues to live through live performances like the one presented at the Roots Festival on October 29, 2024, at Union Chapel in London, augmented by a video installation by Studio Clichè that enriches the audience’s experience with images and sounds from the films in a unique and unprecedented production.

The event will unfold through a live performance where music and visual art intertwine in an audiovisual narrative. Film frames and cinematic dialogues are transformed into performative tools, played and orchestrated in real-time by Calibro 35 and Studio Clichè. This audiovisual concert presents a journey through the emotions, stories, and settings of the films that have made cinema history, enriched by Morricone’s unforgettable compositions.

The event not only celebrates the work of a Maestro but also serves as a cultural experiment, pushing the boundaries of the spectator experience and artistic expression. Through advanced technology, the Ennio Morricone Audiovisual Concert offers a new way to experience culture and art, paying homage to Morricone in a way that reaffirms and transforms his impact in the contemporary context. A proposal to promote Italian culture through an artistic figure now classic in the history of cinema and film music, which in this event produced with the support of the Italian Cultural Institute in London, comes to life in a contemporary form, through a video design that accompanies the entire live show of Calibro 35 at Union Chapel.

Calibro 35 Plays Morricone – Teaser


Ci sono voluti quasi due anni per realizzare quest’idea: un gruppo di musicisti innamorati della musica di Ennio Morricone, insieme a un gruppo di video artisti con lo stesso amore per il Maestro e con un’idea divergente del rapporto fra musica e immagine cinematografica.

Se non ci fosse stato il supporto dell’istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra quest’idea sarebbe rimasta tale, invece, in qualche modo, è diventata un concerto all’interno di una chiesa di Londra. È proprio vero che le idee diventano parole che diventano azioni che diventano cose. Grazie a Calibro35 per essersi fidati, grazie a Studio Cliché per la tenacia e per la poetica, grazie all’Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra per averci creduto e grazie al Roof festival per l’opportunità di portare l’Ennio Morricone Audiovisual Concert in un posto così suggestivo. Andrea Lai

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